Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Energy Bars

Wow, Kirsten baked something?!!?? Well...sort-of.

The nice people over at Matisse and Jack's sent me a sample of their TrailBlaze Bake-At-Home Oatmeal Energy bar mix and surprising me a bit, the finished product was great!

I love the idea of a healthier, more environmentally sensitive snack bar/breakfast bar/energy bar, but sometimes those sorts of products taste so awful they aren't worth the trouble. Not these!

There are several ways to make them (different wet ingredients), but below is my recipe.

Anyone know of any good not-from-a-mix bar recipes? I have been wanting to try make a granola bar at home, so please post a comment or send a link if you know of one!

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Energy Bars:
(makes 9-12 bars, depending on how you cut em)

1 box Matisse and Jacks Trailblaze Bake-at-Home Oatmeal Energy bar mix (I tried chocolate chip)
2/3 c unsweetened applesauce
1/2 c 2% Greek yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 c crushed high-quality 70% or more cacao dark chocolate (or choc chips)

Mix all ingredients except chocolate. Spread into a lightly greased 8 x 8 baking pan. Sprinkle chocolate pieces over top. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. Let cool, cut and serve (or store for eating later on-the-go).
