Grilled Basil Shrimp with Raspberry-Chipotle Dipping Sauce

I met two dear blogging friends yesterday for a 2.5 hour spicy Thai food feast, followed by a market excursion. It may sound silly, but a 4+ hour food and friend activities is my version of heaven.

Thanks Mo and Chrissy!! A repeat is in order. :)

Post-Thai food spicy heat euphoria, we went to Sprouts, a local market, where we stocked up on produce, colossal shrimp, halibut, wine, etc. Maureen provided fresh herbs from her garden (the basil for this recipe) and I cannot thank her enough for sharing her herbs!! This is what I made once home.

The sauce was an improvisation - and OH MY, what else can I put this on??? It was so good. Sweet at first, but then a substantial kick on the back of the tongue makes it quite addicting.

Grilled Basil Shrimp with Raspberry-Chipotle Dipping Sauce:
(serves 2 as a heavy appetizer or light entree, or 4-6 as a light appetizer)

1 lb large shrimp (16-24 per lb)
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper
Fresh basil, chopped

Raspberry-Chipotle Dipping Sauce:
(makes more than you need, about 1.5 cups)

3 small cartons fresh raspberries
1 chipotle chili in adobe sauce, chopped
2 tbs (or to taste) brown sugar
1/4 c orange juice
Pinch salt

Toss shrimp in oil, s&p and basil. Set aside.

Meanwhile, simmer sauce until well incorporated and all berries are liquefied. Strain and then blend in a blender or food processor. Set aside and keep at room temperature until shrimp is ready.

Heat a stove-top grill or grill. Grill shrimp just until done, serve with dipping sauce.
