A breath of fresh air

A Breath of fresh air...
What an exciting month this September is to me...
Bangkok is full of happening events and new interesting resetaurants...

Dean & DeLuca finally find it's way to be here in Bangkok. Wow! I do love thier small tins of herbs & spices to bits. Now they are here for me to pick them home, lovely. These small lovely tins are not only good, flavourful, aromatic but hey are also very difficult to find here in Bangkok... something like "Moroccan spices, Cajun spices, herbes de Provence, Fleur del Sel, ect,.
I always love having a cup of "Cafe au lait" at Dean & DeLuca. Now, one doesn't need to be in New York to have one! Wicked!

Nahm by Chef David Thomson is opening on September 2nd, 2010 at the Metropolitan Hotel. he has been testing his menu every night for weeks. Laurence (my colleague) who is a good friend of DT is invited to dine there tonight. (Off course, I am not jealous at all.) He promises to email the pictures and everything esle to me. Very nice of him, indeed.

The Bangkok 11th Annual of World Gourmet
which organizes by the Four Seasons will start from September 6th to 11th, 201. The Michelin-starred & award winning chefs will parade in the Four Seasons here in Bangkok. I can't really wait...

Oh well, there is a bright blue sky after the big storm... My darling Bangkok... I do love you.
