Chicken foot soup recipe with chicken soup

Chicken foot soup recipe with chicken soup from the menus to do.

How to make chicken soup out of chicken do not eat it. Menu Chicken soup made from chicken to eat good food, simple side dish of chicken.

Equity mix for chicken foot soup.
Ribs, chicken first frame
Chicken paw paw 10-15
salt 1 teaspoon
pepper 1 teaspoon
water 3 liters
Frustration, cut into pieces 5 children.
1 onion Software's rough start.
red wine 1 tablespoon

How to make chicken foot soup

1. Heat water to boiling Then add the chicken project And chicken foot to boil with salt, pepper, water chestnuts, onion and red wine.
2. Boil chicken until tender, about 2 hours. It can be served, eaten
