Crispy fried onion

Cooking Techniques Crispy fried onion
Food cooking techniques, today introduced the technique of fried onion, leave it to the frame. Many of you have not tasted the fried crispy snow. Well viscous I felt it was quite enjoyable to. We see that this technique will help you or not.

1 onion, thinly alley By satisfying number Then mix with a little salt.

2. Set the oil pan The amount of oil to be used as flooding medium onion until boiling oil.

3. Remove onions to fry Do not reading a lot of pedal unit is responsible for a piece of onion.
4. Fry until onions begin to yellow and then noticed that. Remove and cool room before.
5. Then bring into the new chips. Notice that the onion, yellow gold frame and was brought up at a decidedly oil yet. This procedure must be observed here. If you leave it to the onion, it does not burn.
