Ingredients for making salad, rice, Thailand

Thailand rice salad recipe with rice, salad, Thailand Thailand is ready to do.

Rice - rice, papaya salad, Thailand How to Thailand. I do not eat rice How do green papaya salad menu Thailand Thailand food menu simple rice dish with rice dishes fast food salad menu Thailand.

Ingredients for making salad, rice, Thailand

rice  1 cup to see how rice
papaya chopped lines 1 cup.
Tomatoes, 1 child
 lemon juice 1 tablespoon
garlic 2 cloves
fish sauce 1 tablespoon
sugar 1 tablespoon
minced fresh chili 1 tablespoon
roasted peanuts 1 tablespoon
dried 1 tablespoon
Beans, cut into small pieces 1 early.
shredded 2 tablespoons

How do Thailand Rice Salad

1. Prepare a mortar defeats overgrown garlic, pepper and sugar together, then add fish sauce and lime juice to taste sour, sweet, salty.
2. Slice the eggplants and lentils down. And papaya Mixed with green papaya salad. Then add the peanuts roasted and dried down. Mix well
3. Serve salad bowl Then the rice on a plate Sprinkle with shredded Served with salad, Thailand How do you look at the rice. How do rice dish fast food dishes.
