Simple Chinese Dip Selection

Put this selection of Chinese dips together in literally just a few minutes! Great for spring rolls, dim sum, satay skewers, wontons and more...

There's no need to faff about with these, a minute's chopping, and a couple of minutes mixing together, and you're there!


A selection of quick and easy dips which will serve eight people (we had more than twice as much as we needed for four people eating spring rolls!) and can be put together in under 5 minutes! 167 calories in total for all of the dips, if you're counting, so about 21 calories per serving if you share nicely. Everyone loves the peanut dip, so you might want to make more! If you're a fan of sweet chilli sauce and want to add that into the mix too, my recipe is here.
From the top left, clockwise:

Light Soy Sauce (or you could use dark – use Tamari for gluten free dips - the same applies for all the other dips containing soy sauce below), 2 tbsp [16 calories in total]

Soy Vinegar Dip - 1 tbsp each of light soy sauce, and rice wine vinegar mixed together [10 calories]

Chilli Soy Dip
- 1 tbsp each light soy sauce and sriracha chilli/hot sauce (srirachi is usually GF, but always check ingredients) [21 calories]

Chilli and Spring Onion Dip – 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar (check GF), 1 tsp golden caster (fine) sugar (dissolve in the vinegar by stirring), approximately 1 inch each of sliced spring onion (scallion) and red chilli (or finely chop if preferred) [23 calories]

Spicy Peanut Dip – 1 level tbsp smooth peanut butter (or crunchy if you prefer), 1 tsp sriracha chilli/hot sauce, 2-3 tbsp hot water. Combine the peanut butter and chilli sauce together, and slowly incorporate the hot water 1 tbsp at a time until the dip reaches the desired consistency – I use 2 tbsp. You may find heating the peanut butter and chilli sauce with a tbsp of water in a microwave for 10 or 20 seconds in the microwave makes it easier to mix. [97 calories]
